Great Books to Read to Your Infant, Toddler or Preschooler
By Marlene Lerer Over my 40+ years of teaching in preschools, I've read from hundreds of books for the enjoyment and enrichment of my youngsters. The list below includes some of the best of the best books and stories that I've used. These stories are all listed (and accompany the activities) in my book, THE MAGICAL YEARS ; 101 Activities to help your Infant, Toddler or Preschooler Grow and Thrive. They are arranged as they relate to the chapters in the book, but any and all of them are wonderful as stand alones to read to your child. Here is the list: 👉 Great Books and Stories for Infants Part I: Crash Course Parenting Baby’s Animal Friends by Phoebe Dunn Corduroy’s Toys by Don Freeman Egg in the Hole Book by Richard Scarry The Touch Me Book by Eve and Pat Witte Baby’s Big and Little by Jan Pienkowski Fuzzy Yellow Ducklings by Matthew Van Fleet Little Baby Books by Helen Oxenbury The Little Quiet Book by Katherine Ross “Knock, Knock, Who’s There?” by Anna Ross Part II...